Keep your credit If you want to go from bad credit to a house in 12 months cutting up your credit cards is not the first step you need to take. Do not start to cut off your credit cards and closing your credit accounts. Some people think the first step to improving their financial […]
Archives for October 2015
12 Best Suburbs to Buy a House in Atlanta Metro
When it comes to buying a house, the saying is location, location, location. I think we need to change that. It should be Schools, schools, schools. Parents are always looking for the best neighborhood or the best suburbs to buy a house in. What they are looking for in these suburbs are always school ratings. I […]
8 Down Payment Assistance Programs for Home Buyers in Metro Atlanta
Why did I write this list? Many families are paying a monthly rent that is higher than what they could have paid as a monthly mortgage payment for a similar home has the one that they are currently renting. These families, many times have difficulties saving enough money for a down payment on a home. […]